• November 7th, 2012
  • News



Given the relentless morning rain and the clouds of halloween hangovers, the turnout to the 6th edition of Crepe City was testament to the popularity of the sneaker festival that has outgrown every venue it’s ever been staged in.

Located in the heart of East London’s Shoreditch, the visitors to the Bar Music Hall had the pick of what could quite easily be the largest ever array of trainers on sale in this country and with music and a bar thrown in, we’re hard pushed to think of a better way to spend a lousy Sunday in November.

With the doors opening slightly later than the midday schedule, those first in the queue, cash already in hand, honed in on the purchases they’d carefully singled out through the windows, and from that moment on it simply did not stop.

For the best part of six hours the place was near capacity and with the one in, one out policy kicking in after less than an hour the passing trade just kept steadily coming.

Ranging from £20 beaters which might be snapped up to recount the memories of a childhood, to ludicrously expensive releases that grace the collections of only the most frequent passengers on the hypetrain, the selection was a great mix of releases new and old, general and rare with a massive load of Jordans and Air Max thrown in for good measure.

The fact that the comfortable, relaxed vibe remained throughout the day shows that the trainer ‘game’ has as yet, managed to avoid developing an attitude, which can quite easily  happen when dealing in such commodities.

It was a nice place to hang out and with buyers and sellers openly exchanging contact details to complete trades and purchases after the days event, it wasn’t only about picking up trainers, but about meeting up with likeminded people, too.

The atmosphere was that of somewhere you’d happily take your kids. The popping of 3M  trims and overlays lighting up the room as the cameras flash away, combined with the variety of camo outwear on show would keep the little ones entertained for hours.

Despite the weather it was great to see such a huge amount of heat on peoples feet, to catch up with friends and to meet and chat with people who are in it for the same reasons we are, those for us are always the highlights of days like this.

Hats off to the Crepe City crew for a great day all round and here’s hoping the next one will attract some of the real collectors we know are out there, with lock-ups bursting full of OG goodness.

See you at Crepe City 7.
















For all the photos from the day, click through to the ‘CREPE CITY 6 ROUND-UP ALBUM‘ on our Facebook Page… and do that ‘Like’ thing too, if you haven’t already.