• Shift Sneaker – A First Look

  • July 7th, 2015
  • News

Shift Sneaker

Gimmicks are a dime a dozen, as they say, but every now and then something interesting comes along. SHIFT SNEAKER, from the team at +REHABSTUDIO, brings us a futuristic vision of how color-shifting could change the game for all of us.

As the guys at +Rehabstudio put it themselves, “When you buy a single pair of sneakers, you will actually be buying 1 million pairs.” Taking a combination of high-tech fibres, conductive threads, and advanced textiles, it will possible to change the aesthetics of your shoes to suit your own requirements – ‘instant iD’, if you will! The concept itself has been explored by other brands (both Levi’s and Google have reportedly been exploring similar applications), so it’s almost inevitable that customisation on this level will become a reality.

The idea is that users would be able to use a smartphone app known as the PACK STORE to download and apply various designs to their trainers. Early examples include a Selfie Pack (which matches your shoes to your outfit), a Running Pack (that changes colors based on your performance: a real incentive) and a Connection Pack that allows you to match with other users.

It’s early days yet, but we’re looking forwards to seeing how the concept develops. The opportunity for social interaction via our trainers is now one step closer! Check the Shift Sneaker site here for more information…

Shift Sneaker

Shift Sneaker

Shift Sneaker

Shift Sneaker

Shift Sneaker